

1. Class, J. (2001). 7 Seals.

-There are seven seals to the apocalypse, and this site helps to describe them in detail.

2. Humm, A. (2009). Lilith. Retrieved from

-Lilith was killed at the end of Season 4. This was the last seal to be broken that brought Lucifer back to the surface. This website will give information on Lilith in Jewish and Christian literature.

3. Jones, T. H. (n.d.). Michael The Archangel. In Retrieved from

-This website will help with the description of Michael, the Archangel. He is compared to Dean in Supernatural in a number of ways.

4. Jones, T. H. (n.d.). Gabriel The Archangel. In Retrieved from

-This website will help with the description of Gabriel, the Archangel who is referenced a number of times in Supernatural.

5. Kent, W. (1908). Devil. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. Retrieved from

-This website will be useful in gathering knowledge of Lucifer and comparing him to the character portrayed in Supernatural.

6. Mephistopheles. Retrieved from

-Mephistopheles was close with Lucifer and through more research on the character, he could be linked to the character Sam in Supernatural.

7. Nash, J. F. (2008). Archangel Uriel. Retrieved from

-Uriel is an Archangel mentioned in Supernatural and this site will give more information about him.

8. Supernatural Season 5 Episode Guide. (2010). Retrieved from

-This site has recaps of all the episodes of Supernatural, not just Season 5 and will be useful to recall what occurred in each episode.

9. Taylor, R. A. (1995). Ch. 6: The Seven Seals. In Commentary on Revelation. Retrieved from

-The seals of the apocalypse are discussed on this site, along with the four horsemen. The four horsemen are the first four seals and at least one of them are shown in Supernatural.

10. The Coming Apocalypse. Retrieved from

-This website is useful in showing prophecies from the bible about the apocalypse. This will help in comparing signs from Supernatural that led to their apocalypse.

Academic Articles

1. DeSilva, D. A. (2009). A Commentary on the Apocalypse of John. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 71(2), 409-411.

-This article will help with a greater understanding of the apocalypse.

2. Deck, A. F. and Fitzpatrick, J. P. (1989). Michael and Lucifer. America, 161, 279.

-Information about the battle between Michael and Lucifer will be useful as this battle seems inevitable in Supernatural. This battle seems like it will be between Dean and Sam, the two main characters of the show.

3. Frilingos, C. A. (2007). Reality of the Apocalypse : rhetoric and politics in the Book of Revelation.Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 69(4), 849-851.

--This article will help with a greater understanding of the apocalypse.

4. Hudon, W. V. (2002). The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Theological Studies, 63(1), 174-175

-The four horsemen are a sign that the apocalypse is nearing. This will be useful to gain a better understanding of them and it is also referenced in the show.

5. Malcom, T. (2001). Fearful Faith in End Times Novels. National Catholic Reporter, 37(32), 13-15.

-This article will help gain an understanding of End Times in different religious beliefs and relate to the references in Supernatural.

Academic Books

1. Esler, P. F. (2006). Lazarus, Mary and Martha : Social-scientific Approaches to the Gospel of John. Ausburg Fortress

-This book will be useful in describing the story of Lazarus which is portrayed in Season 4 Episode 1 (Lazarus Rising) of Supernatural.

2. Gulley, R. E. (1996). Encyclopedia of Angels. New York, NY: Facts on File.

-This book will be useful in finding information on the different angels that are referenced through the seasons of Supernatural.

3. Morris, H. M. (2006). The Revelation record : a scientific and devotional commentary on the book of Revelation. Tyndale House Publishers.

-Information about Revelations will obtained from the book to continue to analyze the similarities and differences between the Book of Revelations and what is shown in Supernatural.